This is a list of the main features in Picardy 2.1. See the online help for a full explanation of Picardy functionality. Here are the changes from version 1.0.
Content Entry
- Text-based editing pane
- Continuously-updated preview pane
- Synchronized edit and preview
- Assistive edit dialogs
- Jump between panes
- Syntax coloring
- Highlighting
- Import Cindex / SKY / MACREX / text formats
- Merge indexes
Editing Aids
- Flip headings
- Duplicate item
- Convert to double-post
- Collapse headings
- Autocomplete
- Find/Replace
- Capitalization
- Letter-by-letter or word-by-word
- Custom global / inline alphabetizations
- Ignore function words, leading articles
- Sort non-ASCII as ASCII
- Spell out numbers
- Section separators
Export formats
- RTF (styled)
- RTF (unstyled)
- Plain text
- Cindex IXML
- SKY Index
- Tab-separated
- Groups
- Abbreviations
- Define function words
- Character Map
- Spellcheck in nine languages
- Edit user dictionaries
- Clipboard functions
- Scratchpad
- Validation
- Backups
- Indented/run-in
- Page number style
- Sub-heading order
- Compression style
- Reference styles
- Format text, page numbers
- Templates